

Connected Communities

Inception Strategies Artwork Commission with Aboriginal Artist Nathan Dawson for a NSW government client and painted in collaboration with staff from their Macquarie park office.

Description: You have the body of water which is Sydney Harbour with shellfish hooks, spears, grass trees, fish and people who are having a relationship with Country. The circles framing the harbour are made up of people sitting together in Connected Communities, including different kinds of people and ethnicities.” The spotted Wobbegong sharks appearing at both ends of the main painting and featuring in the smaller paintings were included to align with this year’s Reconciliation Week theme of

“Be a Voice for Generations”.

If you look closely at the pattern on the back of the Wobbegong you will see groups of white dots that represent diverse voices in our community that gather around different colours, themes, cultures and focuses. In this collection of paintings, the Wobbegong is Reconciliation, which brings these voices together as Connected Communities, under an equal footing, on a single skin and carrying this message across the ocean to spread its importance to the world.